In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction

Book written by Gabor Mate, MD, New Edition in 2020, 449 pages

— Review written by Heather Gonzales, 2024

Quick Review & Considerations:

  • This book is obviously long and is a definite downside for some, although since it’s not a dense or heavy read, it can feel a bit shorter than it actually is.

  • The length seems partly due to the style of the writing, which on the positive side the reader can come away with the feeling you’ve had something of a conversation with Mate himself, you come away with a felt sense of issues he is discussing, of him and the people he is working with and describing, and an increase in an understanding of the humanity he brings to this issue --not just to the facts and research

  • Another great aspect, on top of his expertise, is Mate’s vulnerability, honesty, and degree of self-awareness which he writes from throughout the book.

  • The author’s willingness to use himself as an example and share about himself in transparent ways, rather than just using his patients, is admirable. Mate’s way of sharing offers both valuable insights for the reader, as well as dignity for individuals and families with related hardhsips .

© Heather Gonzales, Encompass Adoptees - All Rights Reserved, 2024

Please Note:

Listing books here is not intended to indicate absolute agreement with all content, techniques, suggestions, word choices, or other work by the authors- but to indicate a large portion of information that was found helpful. It is recommended that whatever you read, no matter who recommends it or writes it, that readers use critical thinking and that content is reviewed in a thoughtful, contemplative, and reflective manner.

List and comments reflects the individual opinions of Heather Gonzales and are written from the perspective of an adoptee, for those looking for resources for adoptees or adoptive families specifically. Lists are not necessarily a reflection of all staff or Encompass Adoptees as a whole.